Forum: La Figurine Historique et Fantastique

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» Reportage Sèvres 2024
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeHier à 19:15 par ms16

» Atelier Maket
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeHier à 18:47 par Duck

» Vitrine de Filgja
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeHier à 17:34 par bono

» Cuirassier fridericien
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeHier à 17:33 par bono

» Le pont d'Arcole par bono
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeHier à 17:30 par bono

» Bestsoldiers
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeHier à 15:17 par alain74

MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeMar 3 Déc 2024 - 15:06 par Franky 2

» #Terminé# -Nouveau projet : Cheers
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeMar 3 Déc 2024 - 12:41 par Franky 2

» Terminé - Officier Grenadier de la Garde Impériale - 1/10
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeMar 3 Déc 2024 - 12:40 par Franky 2

» (IVe) Vitrine de Duck: de chez Alexandros, le général Kléber-1793
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeLun 2 Déc 2024 - 17:50 par Duck

» SEVRES 2024
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeLun 2 Déc 2024 - 12:21 par Franky 2

» Opération Nimrod
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeDim 1 Déc 2024 - 19:01 par Stirling

» VID soldiers - Napoleonic French army 60 mm sets
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeVen 29 Nov 2024 - 12:29 par Modelsales

» Incroyable et Merveilleuse - Métal Modèles - 54mm
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeVen 29 Nov 2024 - 10:10 par Pierre T

» News ponctuelle
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Nov 2024 - 22:17 par alain74

» Pegaso Models
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Nov 2024 - 19:06 par alain74

» Les petites prod' de Mâhar!
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeJeu 28 Nov 2024 - 12:18 par Mâhar Lankôth

» Soult par Alexandros
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeMer 27 Nov 2024 - 18:48 par bono

» verdun
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeMer 27 Nov 2024 - 18:43 par bono

» Jozfef Dwernicki, colonel des Krakus - Terminé
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeMer 27 Nov 2024 - 15:20 par Duck

» Retrouvailles
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeMer 27 Nov 2024 - 13:12 par Duck

» Dernière Réalisation : Chevalier Templier en Terre Sainte, XIIIe siècle
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeMar 26 Nov 2024 - 21:38 par Giamilos

» Figurinitaly - news
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeMar 26 Nov 2024 - 20:31 par alain74

» Conseils pour peinture à l'huile
MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeMar 26 Nov 2024 - 16:10 par hussard

MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeLun 25 Nov 2024 - 18:12 par bono

Notre engagement CONTRE LA COPIE
Le deal à ne pas rater :
Enceinte portable JBL Clip 4 Bluetooth Noir à 29€
29 €
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MessageSujet: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeSam 1 Nov 2014 - 9:26

A 15% discount for ALL in our products for a limited time only. It is an opportunity to complete your series or start one.
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeSam 1 Nov 2014 - 9:59

Je recommande ces publications, superbes photos, pas à pas didactiques très bien faits..... Attention c'est en Anglais:scratch:
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeSam 1 Nov 2014 - 20:11

Je suis bien tenté par certains bouquins MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS 412492
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeSam 1 Nov 2014 - 22:38

merci cyril !Cool
comme toi deux ou trois me plaisent bien Laughing
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeDim 2 Nov 2014 - 15:12

Ah oui ils sont vraiment bien détaillés et très sympas!:folle:
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeSam 20 Déc 2014 - 6:55

Scale Model Handbook, Figure Modelling 13
4 SS Squad Leader, Russia 1941 - 200mm – Bonehead Models
12 10th Tennessee Flag Bearer, Irish Brigade, ACW - 200mm - Stormtrooper Miniatures (PPST16 10th FB)
20 WWII British S.A.S. Trooper -120mm - Alpine Miniatures (16013)
26 The 42nd Regiment of Foot at Quatre Bras 1815 - 54mm – Scratch-built
32 Mounted Crusader - 54mm - Pegaso Models (54-525)
36 Face Painting Tutorial - 54mm - Latorre Models (54/05)
38 Bonaparte Crossing the Alps - 90mm - Pegaso Models (90-902)
42 US Paratrooper 101st Airborne, Normandy 1944 - 120mm - Mitches Military Models (120/14)
46 Spartan Officer 480 BC - 180mm - Young Miniatures (YH1809)


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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeLun 27 Mar 2017 - 7:52

I am pleased to inform you that the WWII Special Vol.2 by Man Jin Kim is OUT! For orders and more information click here!


Welcome to the latest WWII Special, Vol.2 in the Scale Model Handbook Series from Mr Black Publications Editions. This is the ultimate painting guide by the Korean master figure painter and artist Man Jin Kim showing ‘how to’ paint miniature figures in German WWII uniforms using acrylic paints.

Mr Black Publications is proud to bring you this awesome work, first published in the Korean language, with an English text where over 84 pages cover the most important aspects of painting German uniforms in miniature. Field grey, black and white, leather uniform items, camouflage accessories, and scenery. Inside are more than 300 photos, and around 280 of them are step-by-step sequences. The first chapter is dedicated to tools and assembly, the second on using acrylic paints and the third is about face painting. The fourth chapter covers painting uniforms, the fifth accessories whereas the sixth looks at scenery. The seventh, and final, chapter presents a gallery of masterly painted figures, busts, and vignettes by the author illustrated with really big and sharp photos that reveal even the smallest details of each model subject. Most of these models were painted as ‘box artwork’ for well-known companies.

A big thank you must go to the master miniature artist Man Jin Kim for giving us the opportunity to bring his work to English-speaking modellers and sharing his secrets with us. Special thanks must go to Jae Kwon Yoo, who translated the author’s Korean text into English and also to Ken Jones, our tireless Text Editor. Our thanks must also go to Alex Vallejo (Vallejo Acrylics), Fernando Vallejo (AK-Interactive), TaesungHarmms (Alpine Miniatures) and Yannis V. Papadopoulos (ETA Diorama Accessories) for their support in this effort.

We hope you enjoy this, our 22nd book in our Scale Model Handbook Series and, as always, keep up the good modelling work!

Stelios Demiras
Editor / Publisher


6 Chapter I - Tools and Assembly
• The tools and materials needed for modelling
miniature figures
• Preparation and assembly
13 Chapter II - The use of acrylic paints
• Features of acrylic paints and using brushes
• Colour Chart
16 Chapter III - Painting the face
• Introduction
• Head with cap - 50mm (1/35)
• Head with cap - 120mm (1/16)
• Head with helmet - 120mm (1/16)
28 Chapter IV - Painting the uniform
• Painting a field grey uniform - 50mm (1/35)
• Painting black and white - 50mm (1/35)
• Oak leaf and Italian pattern camouflage - 50mm (1/35)
• M44 pea pattern camouflage, Waffen SS Tank
Crewman - 50mm (1/35)
• Palm tree pattern camouflage - 120mm (1/16)
• Painting leather textures
58 Chapter V - Painting accessories
• Introduction
• Texturing the canteen cover (field flask)
• Different textures on rifles
• Magazine pouches
62 Chapter VI - Making the groundwork scenery
• Making the groundwork for the 12th SS Grenadier
NCO - 50mm (1/35)
67 Chapter VII - Gallery
• Figures painted by the author

I am attaching some of the spreads to have an idea of the contents. Do not forget to check out also our BIG COMBO OFFER.

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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeLun 27 Mar 2017 - 9:19

Merci Cyril
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeMar 28 Mar 2017 - 7:12

Pas de quoi Wink MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS 412492
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeMer 3 Juil 2019 - 7:26

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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeLun 7 Oct 2019 - 14:58

Pour les inconditionnels du feld-grau et autres varaiantes, le dernier Mr Black....
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4 Die Ostfront 1945 – Building a 1/16 Scale Vignette (Scratch-built) - 120mm (1/16)
24 Wehrmachtschütze im Feldanzug, 1939 – How to Paint a Field Grey Uniform - 90mm (1/20)
34 Michael Wittmann, Tiger Ace in Normandy – Painting a Large Scale Character Bust from Military History (Step by Step & Box Art) - 200mm (1/9)
44 SS Squad Leader, Russia 1941 – How to Paint 1/9 Scale Figures (Step by Step & Box Art) - 200mm (1/9)
52 Waffen SS Panzer Crewman (Head) – How to Paint a Large Scale Face Using Artists’ Oil Colours - 180mm (1/10)
54 Otto Carius – Painting a Large Scale Character Bust with Acrylics & Oils (Step by Step & Box Art) - 180mm (1/10)
60 Waffen SS AFV Crew 1944-45 No.1 – How to Paint a Black Panzer Uniform and Black Leather in Oil Colours & Tamiya Enamels (Step by Step) - 50mm (1/35)
66 U-Boat Commander World War Two – How to Paint a Large Scale Bust of a German U-Boat Commander Using Tamiya Enamels (Step by Step) - 180mm (1/10)
74 The “Battle of the Bulge” – Ardennes 1944-1945 – How to create a Realistic Vignette Using Commercial Figures & Products - 50mm (1/35)
78 Joachim Peiper in Kharkov, 19th February 1943 - 15th March 1943 – How to Create a Realistic Vignette Combining Commercial Figures & the “Wedgie” of a PzKpfw III Adapted from a Plastic Kit all Mounted on a Scenic Base - 50mm (1/35)

Number: SMH-TC05
Price: €24,95 plus shipping
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeMar 8 Oct 2019 - 8:43

Merci Alain pour la news ! MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS 412492
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeVen 22 Nov 2019 - 7:17

Scale Model Handbook Figure Modelling 1, 2nd Edition.
its Second Edition, New Updated Cover, Same Content.
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeVen 22 Nov 2019 - 8:08

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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeVen 24 Juil 2020 - 7:20

Painting Guide Vol.1, Miniature Modelling Techniques Series

4 Chapter I - Preparation and Assembly
6 Chapter II - How to Paint with Water Based Acrylics
• Brief History
• Beginners’ Start Up!
• 10 Mistakes to Avoid when Painting with Acrylics
• The Light Source is Important
• The Planar System (Design)
12 Chapter III - “Painting by Numbers”, a Step-By-Step Guide to Painting a
German Panzer Commander (LM-BS001) in 1/10 Scale
• Flesh Tone Painting System
• Painting Hair & Eyebrows
• Painting the Eyes
• Painting the Cap
• Painting the Parka, Shirt & Sweater
• Painting the White Inner Lining of the Parka
• Painting the Iron Cross, Ribbon & Binocular Straps
32 Chapter IV - Painted Colour Chips of the Equivalents
for Vallejo Model Color and Jo Sonja’s Basic Hues
• Model Color Series by Vallejo
• Artists’ Series Tube Acrylics by Jo Sonja’s
• Equivalents of Vallejo Model Color & Jo Sonja’s Acrylics
• Figure Acrylics Series by Ak-Interactive
• Lifecolor Acrylic Paints by Astromodel S.A.S (Base Color Series & Federal
Standard Series)
• Scalecolor & Warfront Series by Scale75
• Scalecolor Artist Series by Scale75
• Kimera Kolors by Kimera & Pegaso Models
• Andrea Color by Andrea Miniatures
40 Table for Basic Colour Hues for Flesh
41 Table for Painting Mixes for Flesh
42 Table for Basic Colour Hues for Eyes & Uniform
44 Tables for Painting Mixes for Cap (Black Colour), Parka, Shirt & Sweater
45 Table for Painting Mixes for the White Inner Lining of the Parka
46 Chapter V - Appendix
• Relevant Colour Sets for Flesh and How to Use Them

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Editor / Publisher
Stelios Demiras

Best Regards
Stelios Demiras
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeDim 30 Aoû 2020 - 8:52

Scale Model Handbook 25

I am pleased to inform you that the new book Figure Modelling 25 is now available. Soon also at your favor shop, dealer or distributor. This issue is dedicated to Full Figures Only and has a special article for How to Paint the Multicam Camouflage. See more at Mr Black Publications Website.

J'ai le plaisir de vous informer que le nouveau livre Figure Modeling 25 est maintenant disponible. Bientôt aussi chez votre magasin préféré, revendeur ou distributeur. Ce numéro est dédié aux personnages complets uniquement et contient un article spécial sur Comment peindre le camouflage multicam. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le site Web de Mr Black Publications.

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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeDim 18 Oct 2020 - 8:51

WWII BIG COMBO OFFER by Mr Black Publications. Get 8 books with 80 + 1PG01 WWII Themes with Free Shipping Worldwide. Check out the link: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Nov 2020 - 6:58

WWII German Military Forces in Scale 3, Theme Collection Vol.8 IS OUT!
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeDim 29 Nov 2020 - 7:41

25% off for ALL BOOKS until 30 November
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeSam 20 Mar 2021 - 8:46

I am pleased to inform you that Scale Model Handbook, WWII Special Vol.5 IS OUT! Luc Klinkers explains in detail Hot To Sculpt and Paint your own WWII figures in 1/35 & 1/16 scale. And place them in a scratch built scenic base from A to Z. More information at your local dealer/shop or from Mr Black Publications website: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien]
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeSam 20 Mar 2021 - 9:59

Merci pour la news, j'ai vu le livre il me semble très intéressant ^^ MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS 412492
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeSam 11 Déc 2021 - 9:28

Painting Guide Vol.2
Sang-Eon Lee used Vallejo Model Color acrylics for painting Johannes Erwin Eugen Rommel “The Desert Fox” bust (LM-BS002) from Life Miniatures. Inside you’ll discover how he painted a realistic looking head with acrylics using the artist’s Planar Face Painting System… Or “painting by numbers” if that’s a more familiar term to you, and a realistic WWII Uniform in exquisite detail. The innovation here is that every possible effort has been made to include the paints of many of the companies producing acrylic colours especially for brush painting miniatures. Herein we have the exact matches of equivalent (or similar) colours, or the Editor’s suggestions for approximate colours, hues and mixes, to achieve the same excellent results as the Artist.

We have used and tested the 10 series of paints of participating companies AK-Interactive (3rd Generation and Old Figure Series), Andrea Miniatures, Vallejo Acrylics (Model Color and Panzer Aces), Scale75 (Scalecolor, Warfront and Artist), Jo Sonja, Kimera Kolors and Lifecolor.


4 Chapter I - Preparation and Assembly
8 Chapter II - “Painting by Numbers”, a Step-By-Step Guide to Painting
Rommel “The Desert Fox” Life Miniatures (LM-BS002) in 1:10 Scale
• Flesh Tone Painting System
• Painting the Eyes
• Flesh Tones Adjustments - Painting the Eyebrows and Hair
• Painting the “Buzz Cut” Hairstyle
• Further Adjustments to the Face
• Painting the Officer’s Cap
• Painting the Piping, Cords and Insignia
• Painting the Goggles Cover and Strap
• Painting the Scarf
• Painting the Leather Coat
• Painting the Shoulder Boards
40 Chapter III - Painted Colour Chips of the Equivalents
for Vallejo Model Color Basic Hues
• Model Color Series by Vallejo
• Equivalents / Similar Colour Hues of Vallejo Model Color to nine Acrylic
• Panzer Aces Series by Vallejo
• Artists’ Series Tube Acrylics by Jo Sonja
• 3rd Generation Acrylics Series by AK-Interactive
• Figure Acrylics Series by AK-Interactive
• Lifecolor Acrylic Paints by Astromodel S.A.S (Base Color Series Federal
Standard Series)
• Scalecolor and Warfront Series by Scale75
• Scalecolor Artist Series by Scale75
• Kimera Kolors by Kimera and Pegaso Models
• Andrea Color by Andrea Miniatures
48 Table for Colour Hues and Mixes for Flesh
• Important Notices for their use and application
50 Table for Colour Hues for Eyes
• Important Notices for their use and application
52 Table for Colour Hues - Flesh Tone Adjustments - Eyebrows and Hair
• Important Notices for their use and application
54 Tables for Colour Hues and Mixes for a General Officer’s Cap
• Important Notices for their use and application
56 Tables for Colour Hues and Mixes for Piping, Cords and Insignia
58 Tables for Colour Hues and Mixes for Goggles Cover and Strap
• Important Notices for their use and application
60 Tables for Colour Hues and Mixes for Leather Coat
• Important Notices for their use and application
62 Tables for Colour Hues and Mixes for the Scarf
64 Tables for Colour Hues and Mixes for the Shoulder Boards

240 photos (200 SBS)
200 Painting Colour Chips
18 pages of tables for the equivalents for 10 acrylic paint series
A4 Format
68 Pages
Matt Laminated Cover
ISSN 2654-2404
Suggested Retail Price: 29.95 Euros
More information and orders at [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] or from your local shop or dealer.

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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeVen 4 Fév 2022 - 0:37

We are pleased to inform you that Figure Modelling 26 and Scale Modelling Manual Vol.2 are Out!
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6 D-DAY Normandy 1944 1st infantry Division - How to Paint a Large Scale Bust of a World War Two US Soldier Using Different Acrylic Series and Colour Mixes - Young Miniatures (YM1861) - 180mm (1/10)

14 First World War British Lewis Gunner - Painting a Large Scale Bust of a WWI British Soldier Using Different Colour Mixes and Techniques - Young Miniatures (YM1875) - 180mm (1/10)

20 USAAF Fighter Pilot 1944 - Painting Different Textures and Equipment Details on a Large Scale Bust - Young Miniatures (YM1856) - 180mm (1/10)

26 SS Panzer Commander, Normandy 1944 - Painting Realistic Leather, Flesh and Other Details on a Large Scale Bust - Young Miniatures (YM1876) - 180mm (1/10)

32 Arabian Knight - How to Paint a Large Scale Bust Using Non-Metallic Metal Techniques And Depict Various Fabric Textures - Young Miniatures (YH1856) - 180mm (1/10)

38 Gallic Chieftain - Painting a Large Scale Bust of a Gaul Chieftain Bust in Acrylics and Using Non Metallic Paint Techniques for the Metal Parts - Pegaso Models (200-045) - 200mm (1/9)

44 Baerkrom - How I Painted My First Fantasy Bust Combining Various Acrylic Paints and Inks - Fer Miniatures (FMK00016) - 250mm (1/Cool


4 US Army Helicopter Crewman
How to Paint an ACU Modern Camouflage Uniform and
Equipment in Exquisite Detail Using Paintbrush & Airbrush
16 Painted Colour Chips Used by the Author Ernesto
Reyes Stalhuth for Painting the Airborne Miniatures Bust
(908) of a US Army Helicopter Crewman in 1/9 Scale
with ACU Modern Camouflage and Gear
21 How to Use the Airbrush on Big Scales Figures and Busts
Common Problems and How to Solve Them
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeDim 6 Mar 2022 - 7:22

Scale Modelling Manual Vol.3 IS OUT - How to Paint a Female Fantasy Figure in Exquisite Detail

In this third issue Master Artist Christos Katselos explains in detail how he painted Journeyman Miniatures’ Female Morrigan figure. “The Morrigan, Goddess of War, Fate and Death” is a full figure that comes with a detail scenic base and a lot of extra accessories in 1/24th scale (75mm). As the figure is fantasy modellers can paint it using any colour palette they wish to.
The artist used the airbrush for making a black and white sketch followed by paintbrushes to get the most from each tool. The 55 detailed step-by-step photographs with explanatory captions form the larger part of a total of 60 illustrations revealing all the secrets on how the flesh was painted with a cold hue, hair, clothes, ravens, stones, metals and all the details included in the kit. A total of 38 different acrylic paints were used; seven are liquid pigments and one metallic, from four acrylic series… Lifecolor, Vallejo Model Color, Scale75 and Kimera Kolors, with the real colour painted chips included at the end of the article. Also, he used two different primers to sketch; Badger for black and Lifecolor for white.
We must thank the following for their help: Vallejo Acrylics (Alex Vallejo and Jaume Ortiz), Scale75 (Jose Mendez), Kimera Kolors (Luca Marchetti and Pietro Balloni), Lifecolors (Alessandro Balbo and Rolando Iezzi) and Yannis Papadopoulos. Last, but not least, thanks must go to our English Text Editor Ken Jones.

Editor / Publisher
Stelios Demiras

Dans ce troisième numéro, le maître artiste Christos Katselos explique en détail comment il a peint la figure Female Morrigan de Journeyman Miniatures. "The Morrigan, Goddess of War, Fate and Death" est une figurine complète livrée avec une base scénique détaillée et de nombreux accessoires supplémentaires à l'échelle 1/24e (75 mm). Comme la figure est fantastique, les modélistes peuvent la peindre en utilisant la palette de couleurs de leur choix.
L'artiste a utilisé l'aérographe pour faire un croquis en noir et blanc suivi de pinceaux pour tirer le meilleur parti de chaque outil. Les 55 photographies détaillées étape par étape avec légendes explicatives forment la plus grande partie d'un total de 60 illustrations révélant tous les secrets sur la façon dont la chair a été peinte avec une teinte froide, les cheveux, les vêtements, les corbeaux, les pierres, les métaux et tous les détails. inclus dans le kit. Au total, 38 peintures acryliques différentes ont été utilisées ; sept sont des pigments liquides et un métallique, de quatre séries acryliques… Lifecolor, Vallejo Model Color, Scale75 et Kimera Kolors, avec les véritables éclats peints en couleur inclus à la fin de l'article. De plus, il a utilisé deux amorces différentes pour dessiner; Badger pour le noir et Lifecolor pour le blanc.
Nous devons remercier pour leur aide : Vallejo Acrylics (Alex Vallejo et Jaume Ortiz), Scale75 (Jose Mendez), Kimera Kolors (Luca Marchetti et Pietro Balloni), Lifecolors (Alessandro Balbo et Rolando Iezzi) et Yannis Papadopoulos. Dernier point, mais non des moindres, merci à notre éditeur de texte anglais Ken Jones.

Éditeur / Éditeur
Stelios Demiras

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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeLun 7 Mar 2022 - 8:15

Lifecolor Painting Guide Volume 2 - Painting & Weathering Modelling Techniques

I am pleased to inform you that the 2nd Lifecolor Painting Guide IS OUT!

This is the second painting guide produced in close collaboration with Lifecolor Acrylic paints by Astromodel S.A.S. from Italy. Alessandro Balbo and Rolando Lezzi, owners of the Astromodel S.A.S. distribution company and producers of Lifecolor acrylic paints and products, offered us the opportunity to produce a unique series of books that include not only painting but general modelling techniques covering a wide variety of scale models.

These books offer essential information on painting, weathering and finishing scale models to the highest standard while getting the best from Lifecolor paints and products. Each theme will have a full list of the Lifecolor colour paint chips that were used for the painting and weathering processes.
Available information on historical facts and real equipment will be added in most cases, which will enrich the content of each book and impart some interesting information to readers. We have six articles in this issue, plus some extra details offering a lot more information.

The first article of four pages is by the well-known Master Christos Katselos and about painting a 1/24 scale Female Fantasy Figure Genesis in a Scenic Setting. In the article Christos reveals his approach to painting miniature figures in “Open Your Mind, Pick up your Favourite Colour Tones and Paint”.

In the second article Master Artist Alessandro Gobbi explains in detail the ‘Non Metallic Metal’ painting method he uses with step-by-step photos. He is the creator of the Non Metallic Metal Sets that was working on for years and finally released by Lifecolor! Here he uses the Gold Set and focuses on how to achieve the perfect gold metal effect using the Colour Hues in the set for the Genesis 1/12 scale Bust.

Another Master Modeller, Vincenzo Lanna explains in detail How to Paint a German Camouflage pattern on a Captured Russian Tank KV-1 in 10 Easy to Follow Steps using an airbrush and a brush. Here you will also see how to use the liquid pigments to make a realistic 1/48 scale model tank.

Talented artist Theodosis Giannakidis has contributed two unique articles to this volume on the secrets of achieving a natural and realistic finish. The first one is on ‘How to Paint Sandbags’ from Black Dog and the second is on ‘How to Paint Wood’ effects on Miniart’s Farm Cart. Both articles have step-by-step photos and detailed captions.

Martin Hughes is a well known Master and owner of the “Scale War Machines” YouTube channel who wrote our 6th article (Part 2), which concludes the chapter about weathering civilian vehicles. Martin explains in detail how to create Rust, Mould and Decay on a 1/24 scale Volkswagen Beetle. This is the second of a two-part feature; the first part was published in Volume 1. The eight-page article has 20 in-progress photos showing how to get the most of a ‘Rat-look’ on modern civilian cars making extensive use of the airbrush and Lifecolor products.

We must thank the artists, Theodosis Giannakidis, Alessandro Gobbi, Martin Hughes, Christos Katselos and Vincenzo Lanna, who took part in this big project which, without their participation, would not have been realized.
Also, thanks must go to the owners and producers of the companies for supporting this work and future books… Alessandro Balbo and Rolando Iezzi (Lifecolor by Astromodel), Sang-Eon Lee (Life Miniatures), Yannis Papadopoulos (ETA-Diorama accessories), Piotr Koperski and Andrzei Wraclawek (Panzerart), Ben Mirson (MiniArt), Alexander Shurzenko (Master Box) and Radek Pituch (Rado Miniatures).

And last, but not least, thanks must go to our tireless English Text Editor Ken Jones.

J'ai le plaisir de vous informer que le 2e guide de peinture Lifecolor EST SORTI !

Il s'agit du deuxième guide de peinture réalisé en étroite collaboration avec les peintures acryliques Lifecolor d'Astromodel S.A.S. d'Italie. Alessandro Balbo et Rolando Lezzi, propriétaires de l'Astromodel S.A.S. société de distribution et producteurs de peintures et de produits acryliques Lifecolor, nous a offert l'opportunité de produire une série unique de livres qui incluent non seulement la peinture mais aussi les techniques générales de modélisation couvrant une grande variété de modèles réduits.

Ces livres offrent des informations essentielles sur la peinture, les intempéries et la finition des modèles réduits selon les normes les plus élevées tout en tirant le meilleur parti des peintures et produits Lifecolor. Chaque thème aura une liste complète des éclats de peinture de couleur Lifecolor qui ont été utilisés pour les processus de peinture et de vieillissement.
Les informations disponibles sur les faits historiques et les équipements réels seront ajoutées dans la plupart des cas, ce qui enrichira le contenu de chaque livre et apportera des informations intéressantes aux lecteurs. Nous avons six articles dans ce numéro, ainsi que quelques détails supplémentaires offrant beaucoup plus d'informations.

Le premier article de quatre pages est écrit par le célèbre Maître Christos Katselos et parle de la peinture d'une genèse féminine à l'échelle 1/24 dans un cadre scénique. Dans l'article, Christos révèle son approche de la peinture de figurines miniatures dans "Open Your Mind, Pick up your Favorite Color Tones and Paint".

Dans le deuxième article, le maître artiste Alessandro Gobbi explique en détail la méthode de peinture "Métal non métallique" qu'il utilise avec des photos étape par étape. Il est le créateur des Non Metallic Metal Sets sur lesquels il travaillait depuis des années et qui ont finalement été publiés par Lifecolor ! Ici, il utilise l'ensemble d'or et se concentre sur la façon d'obtenir l'effet métal doré parfait en utilisant les teintes de couleur dans l'ensemble pour le buste à l'échelle Genesis 1/12.

Un autre maître modeleur, Vincenzo Lanna, explique en détail comment peindre un motif de camouflage allemand sur un char russe capturé KV-1 en 10 étapes faciles à suivre à l'aide d'un aérographe et d'un pinceau. Ici, vous verrez également comment utiliser les pigments liquides pour créer un modèle de réservoir réaliste à l'échelle 1/48.

L'artiste talentueux Theodosis Giannakidis a contribué deux articles uniques à ce volume sur les secrets de l'obtention d'une finition naturelle et réaliste. Le premier est sur "Comment peindre des sacs de sable" de Black Dog et le second sur les effets "Comment peindre du bois" sur le chariot de ferme de Miniart. Les deux articles ont des photos étape par étape et des légendes détaillées.

Martin Hughes est un maître bien connu et propriétaire de la chaîne YouTube "Scale War Machines" qui a écrit notre 6ème article (Partie 2), qui conclut le chapitre sur les intempéries des véhicules civils. Martin explique en détail comment créer Rust, Mold and Decay sur une Volkswagen Beetle à l'échelle 1/24. Ceci est la deuxième d'une fonctionnalité en deux parties; la première partie a été publiée dans le volume 1. L'article de huit pages contient 20 photos en cours montrant comment tirer le meilleur parti d'un "regard de rat" sur les voitures civiles modernes en utilisant largement l'aérographe et les produits Lifecolor.

Nous devons remercier les artistes, Theodosis Giannakidis, Alessandro Gobbi, Martin Hughes, Christos Katselos et Vincenzo Lanna, qui ont pris part à ce grand projet qui, sans leur participation, n'aurait pas vu le jour.
Merci également aux propriétaires et producteurs des entreprises pour leur soutien à ce travail et aux futurs livres… Alessandro Balbo et Rolando Iezzi (Lifecolor by Astromodel), Sang-Eon Lee (Life Miniatures), Yannis Papadopoulos (accessoires ETA-Diorama), Piotr Koperski et Andrzei Wraclawek (Panzerart), Ben Mirson (MiniArt), Alexander Shurzenko (Master Box) et Radek Pituch (Rado Miniatures).

Et le dernier, mais non le moindre, merci à notre infatigable éditeur de texte anglais Ken Jones.

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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeLun 7 Mar 2022 - 17:47

Eclectique, ce numéro !
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeSam 30 Avr 2022 - 8:35

War & Warriors in Scale - The 19th Century, Theme Collection Vol.10
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We are pleased to inform you that our 10th Theme Collection Series book Is Out!
Wars & Warriors in Scale - The 19th Century
Theme Collection Vol.10


This is the 10th “Theme Collections” title in our new and ongoing series that draws upon previously published articles from our Scale Model Handbook Special Editions Collection books where the content is dedicated to a specific category or period. In this latest edition we’ve gathered 12 themes on 19th Century conflicts, which have a popular following amongst the miniature figure modelling fraternity. The Napoleonic Wars stretched over the first 20 years of the 19th Century so most of the articles in this edition will present the colourful uniforms of that era. Future titles in this new series will offer carefully chosen articles, grouped together into specific themes.

Our books are produced using a high-quality digital printing process giving excellent quality illustrations on 300g matt laminated velvet paper for the covers, with 150g velvet paper inside, all ‘perfect bound’ with a special glue!

As always, thanks must go to all our contributors for their support and for sharing their secrets with us. Special thanks are due to Pietro Balloni, Luca Marchetti, Alex Vallejo, Fernando Vallejo, Alessandro Balbo, Rolando Iezzi, Darren Parker-Mead, Man Jin Kim, Taesung Harmms, Andrew Cairns, Young B. Song, Dae-Hyeong Kim, Ju Won Jung, Paul Ondeck, Yannis Papadopoulos and our English Text Editor Ken Jones.

We hope you’ll enjoy our latest edition!

Stelios Demiras

4 Trooper, 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys)
Balaclava, Crimea 1854
How to Paint a 90mm Mounted Figure Using Acrylics

14 Captain, the Queens Own Cameron
Highlanders at Tel El Kebir 1882
Painting a 54mm “Victoria’s Heroes” figure
for the Box Art with Acrylics and Oils

20 Ensign 28th Foot at Waterloo
Painting a Large-Scale Napoleonic Bust
and the Regimental Colour

28 Corporal Vicente Manzano, Dragoon Regiment “Pavia”
Ontígola 1809
Step by Step Painting of a Scratch-built Colourful Mounted
Figure Using Acrylics and Oils

38 Drummer of Grenadiers, 67th Line Regiment Vienna, 1809
Painting a Colourful 75mm
Napoleonic Period Figure
with Acrylics & Inks

44 The Coronation of Napoleon Bonaparte
Painting a Colourful 54mm Napoleonic
Period Figure

48 Flankenfeuer Le Bourget 1870
Painting a Small Scale Bust with Acrylics

56 Sergeant Bernard Mc Cabe, Sobraon 1st Sikh War 1846
Combining Airbrush and Brush Painting
onto Figures

62 Bonaparte Crossing the Alps
Painting a 90mm Mounted Figure

66 Private, 93rd Highlanders, Crimea 1854
Painting Different Kind of Fabrics
and Materials on a Bust

71 A Colour Guide for “British Red”
Creating British Army Red using Acrylics, Enamels and Oil Paints

72 Officer of the Tsar’s Guard Russia, 1830
Red, Metal and Leather


84 Pages
Matt Laminated Cover
Strong Binding PUR Glue
Suggested Retail price 24.95 Euros
ISSN 2653-8636

The historic events of the 19th Century have fascinated people from childhood to adulthood, as the Napoleonic Wars took place and dominated the early years of the period. The advancing lines of the infantry facing continuous musket and cannon fire was really terrifying and unbelievable, considering the account of human casualties. The colourful uniforms worn during the period are really a challenge for every modeller and military artist and here you will find a lot of different types and colours.
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeLun 30 Mai 2022 - 16:49

Diorama Modelling 2
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Complete your reference library with the Scale Model Handbook, Diorama Modelling 2.
463 Photos, 100 Pages, 8 Detailed Articles, 8 Well-Known Artists
Step-By-Step, Techniques, Box Arts

Welcome to the second of our diorama modelling books in Mr Black Publications’ series of Scale Model Handbooks. Like the first book we have an extended format to cover a great variety of military modelling themes and various types of dioramas.

This 100-page book offers lots of interesting and prototype material to meet the interests of our readers. Different approaches, techniques and step-by-step instructions are covered in more than 400 photographs and associated texts to inspire you, the reader, towards making your own creations.

It’s taken more that 24 months of intensive work to gather the material herein, since we wanted to cover many historical periods, such as Ancient and Roman times, the 17th century, World War Two, as well as considering the many different and popular modelling scales of 1/35 (50mm) and 1/32 (54mm) to the larger 1/24 (75mm) scale dioramas, to satisfy our readers’ interests. The aim was to make this book a necessary and useful handbook for modellers everywhere.

We’d like to thank those who contributed to this book; we certainly couldn’t have produced it without them… Christos Katselos, Grigoris Marmatakis, Igor Kordyukov, Dan Capuano, Noel Petroni, Sergey Popovichenko, Christos Panagiotopoulos and Tolis Moustakas… You are all great!

Christos presents in a most detailed way the construction and painting of the Andrea super kit, “Elephant Down! Zama, 202 BC” with more than 100 step-by-step photos. Christos’ article also provided the subject for our cover!

A new method of article presentation is, “History You Can Model” by Grigoris Marmatakis, using all of the Pegaso Models’ vignettes and some more converted figures from other kits in the next diorama. This is a really big diorama that was inspired by the Battle of Teutoburg Forest in AD 9, and the Battle that stopped Rome, presenting all the historical data in detail by Stelios Demiras.

An astonishing step-by-step sculpting feature by Igor Kordyukov, that was released as a commercial 75mm kit (IM75-17) comprising seven figures by Irbis Miniatures, and inspired by Ilya Repin’s painting, “Reply of the Zaporozhian Cossacks to Sultan Mehmed IV of the Ottoman Empire”, also known as the “Cossacks of Saporog are Drafting a Manifesto” and a masterpiece of Russian art. More than 150 photos are featured - 130 of them are step-by-step!

Sergey Popovichenko created an impressive vignette by combining a scratch-built setting populated with commercial 54mm figures from Tin Berlin. The painting techniques of Sergey combine acrylics and oils taking the best of each medium.

“Stalingrad, A Fight To The Last” is another super diorama in 1/35 scale from the well-know master modeller Dan Capuano who used 35 figures, most of them updated and converted, with most of the scenery made from scratch! This is Dan’s first article for Mr Black Publications and we hope that more of his superb works will follow.

Resting at Karachev is a combined work from two master modellers in their fields… Christos Panagiotopoulos (figures) and Tolis Moustakas (Tank and scenery). A detailed articled on how to create a peaceful Second World War scene using commercial parts and a lots of imagination.

Noel Petroni’s work is well known from his many contributions to English language military modelling magazines around the globe, and from his article in our first Diorama Modelling title. This time Noel has a smaller 1/35 scale military diorama, “The Grim Reality of War, Poland 1939” showing how a diorama can arouse strong emotions. Noel scratch builds the two figures therein and uses the Panzer I Ausf A from Tristar, presenting the construction and painting in 58 step-by-step photos.

Special thanks must go to Luca Marchetti and Pietro Balloni from Pegaso Models who have been there for us right from the start; Alex Vallejo of Vallejo Acrylics, Alexey Lucanev of Irbis Miniatures and John Page from Sphere Products, whose support is highly appreciated. Last, but not least, we would like to thank Ken Jones for his valuable help in editing texts translated into English, his advice and for lending a unique final touch to all our publications.

It is with much excitement and satisfaction that we present the second book in “Diorama Modelling Series”… It’s one in which we’re placing great hope towards it being a new and successful regular edition to our series of modelling books!

Stelios Demiras

More information at [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] at your local dealer or shop.

Traduction Google :
"Complétez votre bibliothèque de référence avec le Scale Model Handbook, Diorama Modeling 2.
463 photos, 100 pages, 8 articles détaillés, 8 artistes connus
Pas à pas, Techniques, Box Arts

Bienvenue dans le deuxième de nos livres de modélisation de diorama dans la série de manuels de modèles réduits de Mr Black Publications. Comme le premier livre, nous avons un format étendu pour couvrir une grande variété de thèmes de modélisation militaire et divers types de dioramas.

Ce livre de 100 pages offre beaucoup de matériel intéressant et prototype pour répondre aux intérêts de nos lecteurs. Différentes approches, techniques et instructions étape par étape sont couvertes dans plus de 400 photographies et textes associés pour vous inspirer, le lecteur, à réaliser vos propres créations.

Il a fallu plus de 24 mois de travail intensif pour rassembler le matériel ici, car nous voulions couvrir de nombreuses périodes historiques, telles que l'Antiquité et l'époque romaine, le XVIIe siècle, la Seconde Guerre mondiale, ainsi que les nombreuses échelles de modélisation différentes et populaires. de 1/35 (50 mm) et 1/32 (54 mm) aux plus grands dioramas à l'échelle 1/24 (75 mm), pour satisfaire les intérêts de nos lecteurs. Le but était de faire de ce livre un manuel nécessaire et utile pour les modélisateurs du monde entier.

Nous aimerions remercier ceux qui ont contribué à ce livre; nous n'aurions certainement pas pu le produire sans eux… Christos Katselos, Grigoris Marmatakis, Igor Kordyukov, Dan Capuano, Noel Petroni, Sergey Popovichenko, Christos Panagiotopoulos et Tolis Moustakas… Vous êtes tous géniaux !

Christos présente de manière très détaillée la construction et la peinture du super kit Andrea, « Elephant Down ! Zama, 202 av. J.-C. » avec plus de 100 photos étape par étape. L'article de Christos a également fourni le sujet de notre couverture !

Une nouvelle méthode de présentation d'articles est "History You Can Model" de Grigoris Marmatakis, en utilisant toutes les vignettes des modèles Pegaso et quelques figures supplémentaires converties d'autres kits dans le prochain diorama. Il s'agit d'un très grand diorama inspiré de la bataille de la forêt de Teutoburg en 9 après JC et de la bataille qui a arrêté Rome, présentant toutes les données historiques en détail par Stelios Demiras.

Une étonnante fonction de sculpture étape par étape d'Igor Kordyukov, qui a été publiée sous la forme d'un kit commercial de 75 mm (IM75-17) comprenant sept figurines d'Irbis Miniatures, et inspirée de la peinture d'Ilya Repin, "Réponse des cosaques de Zaporozhian au sultan Mehmed IV de l'Empire ottoman", également connu sous le nom de "Les cosaques de Saporog rédigent un manifeste" et un chef-d'œuvre de l'art russe. Plus de 150 photos sont présentées - 130 d'entre elles sont étape par étape !

Sergey Popovichenko a créé une vignette impressionnante en combinant un décor construit à partir de zéro peuplé de figurines commerciales de 54 mm de Tin Berlin. Les techniques de peinture de Sergey combinent l'acrylique et l'huile en prenant le meilleur de chaque médium.

"Stalingrad, A Fight To The Last" est un autre super diorama à l'échelle 1/35 du célèbre maquettiste Dan Capuano qui a utilisé 35 figurines, la plupart mises à jour et converties, avec la plupart des décors créés à partir de rien ! Ceci est le premier article de Dan pour Mr Black Publications et nous espérons que d'autres de ses superbes travaux suivront.

Resting at Karachev est une œuvre combinée de deux maîtres modeleurs dans leurs domaines… Christos Panagiotopoulos (figures) et Tolis Moustakas (Tank et décors). Un article détaillé sur la façon de créer une scène paisible de la Seconde Guerre mondiale en utilisant des pièces commerciales et beaucoup d'imagination.

Le travail de Noel Petroni est bien connu pour ses nombreuses contributions à des magazines de modélisation militaire en anglais dans le monde entier et pour son article dans notre premier titre Diorama Modeling. Cette fois, Noel a un diorama militaire plus petit à l'échelle 1/35, "La sombre réalité de la guerre, Pologne 1939" montrant comment un diorama peut susciter de fortes émotions. Noel scratch y construit les deux figurines et utilise le Panzer I Ausf A de Tristar, présentant la construction et la peinture en 58 photos étape par étape.

Des remerciements particuliers doivent être adressés à Luca Marchetti et Pietro Balloni de Pegaso Models qui ont été là pour nous dès le début ; Alex Vallejo de Vallejo Acrylics, Alexey Lucanev d'Irbis Miniatures et John Page de Sphere Products, dont le soutien est très apprécié. Enfin et surtout, nous tenons à remercier Ken Jones pour son aide précieuse dans la rédaction des textes traduits en anglais, ses conseils et pour avoir apporté une touche finale unique à toutes nos publications.

C'est avec beaucoup d'enthousiasme et de satisfaction que nous vous présentons le deuxième livre de "Diorama Modeling Series"... C'est celui dans lequel nous plaçons beaucoup d'espoir qu'il soit une nouvelle édition régulière réussie de notre série de livres de modélisation !

Stelios Demiras"
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeJeu 2 Juin 2022 - 17:33

WWII Military Forces in 1/35 Scale - Theme Collection Vol.11
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This is the 11th “Theme Collections” title in our new and ongoing series that draws upon previously published articles from our Scale Model Handbook Figure Modelling Editions to produce a Special Editions Collection book where the content is dedicated to a specific category or period. In this latest edition we’ve gathered 14 themes on World War Two conflicts, all 1/35 scale (50mm), which have a popular following amongst the miniature figure modelling fraternity. Our artists used acrylics, enamels and oil colours in their articles, so here you will find a variety of mediums on how to paint and finish your favourite World War Two subjects. Future titles in this new series will offer carefully chosen articles, grouped together into specific themes.

Our books are produced using a high-quality digital printing process giving excellent quality illustrations on 300g matt laminated velvet paper for the covers, with 150g velvet paper inside, all ‘perfect bound’ with a special glue!

As always, thanks must go to all our contributors for their support and for sharing their secrets with us. Special thanks are due to Pietro Balloni, Luca Marchetti, Alex Vallejo, Fernando Vallejo, Alessandro Balbo, Rolando Iezzi, Darren Parker-Mead, Man Jin Kim, Taesung Harmms, Andrew Cairns, Young B. Song, Dae-Hyeong Kim, Ju Won Jung, Paul Ondeck, Yannis Papadopoulos and Ken Jones our English Text Editor.

We hope you’ll enjoy our latest edition!

Stelios Demiras


4 “Stalingrad” - A Fight to the Last! How to build a ‘Super Diorama’
16 Russian Razvedchiki with Waffen SS Tanker Prisoner of War 1944-45 - How Tamiya Enamels Were Used to Paint a WWII Vignette
22 Ardennes Offensive - Creating an Eye-Catching Small Diorama in Winter Terrain Combining Commercial Kits, Figures and Materials
34 WWII US Infantry Officer, Ardennes 1944 - Painting a US Army Uniform for a Winter Scenario
36 The “Battle of the Bulge” - Ardennes 1944-1945 - How to Create a Realistic Vignette
Using Commercial Figures and Products
40 In Defence of the Reich - Creating an Impressive WWII German Kampfgruppe Vignette
Using Commercial Figures and Accessories
44 “A Present for Hitler” - Finishing a World War Two Vignette Inspired by a Real Wartime Photo in Less Than 25 Hours for an Urgent Box Art Cover!
Painting African-American soldiers in 1/35 scale
50 Italian Front 1943-1944 - Creating and Painting a Vignette Using Commercial Resin Figures and Base
54 Sculpting a German Reversible Winter Parka in 1/35 scale - How to Sculpt a German Winter Jacket for a 1/35 Figure Using A+B Epoxy Putty
62 British 8th Army in North Africa 1941-1943 - Building and Painting a WWII Vignette Using Commercial Figures
66 Waffen SS AFV Crew 1944-45 No.1 - How to Paint a Black Panzer Uniform and Black Leather in Oil colours and Tamiya Enamels
72 Oberleutnant of the 1st Fallschirmjäger Division - Painting a World War II Figure with Oils
76 Waffen SS Grenadier - Painting a Waffen SS Grenadier in Winter Uniform and Placing Him
onto a Commercial Resin Base
80 SS Panzer Crewman - Painting Black and White Clothing on 1/35 Figures in Acrylics

84 Pages
Matt Laminated Cover
Strong Binding PUR Glue
Suggested Retail price 24.95 Euros
ISSN 2653-8636

Although more than 70 years have passed since the beginning of The Second World War, this worldwide 20th century conflict affected the history of all peoples in many ways, the effects of which are still felt today. Although the cost in human lives and resources was immense, this era also created a feeling of romanticism and has been the platform for many heroics, as well as unspeakable criminal acts.

However, for many reasons that only psychology can explain, this era is perhaps among the most popular themes for modellers. It wouldn’t be too much to say that this might be the most popular and best-selling period in the modelling business, as many modellers choose it for their projects.

It was inevitable that we would feature this particular chapter of military history, offering the modeller the “best from the best” in this field. Figures, dioramas, vignettes, busts, painting and building techniques, weathering and much more to come, bringing inspiration and enriching both your knowledge and your library! And Listening to your Demands This Time…All in 1/35 Scale (50mm).

Available from Mr Black Publications Webstore, and soon from our distributors, dealers and shops worldwide!
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeVen 24 Juin 2022 - 5:34

Scale Modelling Manual Vol.4

This is the fourth Manual in our new series about Scale Modelling where our aim is to bring a lot of concentrated information about painting and general modelling techniques for all modellers at a competitive retail price.

This particular issue will cover in depth the construction of a diorama based on wartime photos and events. The main theme is a detachment of German Forces from Kampfgruppe Hansen 1st SS Panzer Division at Poteau on 18th December 1944 - two days into the Battle of the Bulge - after setting up an Ambush of an American convoy of the 14th Cavalry Group. This big operation by the German Forces, known as Ardennes Offensive, was the last in such a large scale before the end of War. This book includes 60 high quality photos, 30 of which are in-progress, and a very detailed text, so the reader can easily follow the whole procedure in detail from start to finish. The author included all the sets, accessories, and paint codes used to add all the details to the diorama as well as the full interior of the Tamiya M8 armoured car.

The author of this Super Diorama is the well-known master modeller Lieven Terryn from Belgium. Lieven was the author of our 1st Scale Modelling Manual, that included the ‘Siege of Tobruk 1941’, a Super Diorama in detail and an SBS Figure Painting with oil colours of an Alpine Miniatures Leutnant of the 8th Panzer Regiment in Libya 1941, and an article by Mr Black’s Team on relevantacrylic colour sets for DAK uniforms and how to use them.

On the morning of 18th December 1944, two days into the Battle of the Bulge, an American convoy of the 14th Cavalry Group was ambushed by SS-Kampfgruppe Hansen, 1st SS-Panzer Division, Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler, near the small Belgian village of Poteau. KG Hansen achieved complete surprise and the American Troops had to abandon their vehicles and retreat to the village. Shortly after the attack some Waffen SS kriegsberichter arrived and took some staged and posed shots. Later the undeveloped film fell into American hands when a dispatch rider was captured. The captured German kriegsberichter film footage from the action is some of the most well-known footage from the entire War and has featured in countless documentaries whereas stills from the film have been published in countless books. More information and orders: [Vous devez être inscrit et connecté pour voir ce lien] or from your favourite dealer or shop.
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MessageSujet: Re: MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS   MR BLACK PUBLICATIONS Icon_minitimeSam 23 Juil 2022 - 9:47

Scale Modelling Manual Vol.5 - DAK Forces in Scale 2 IS OUT!

This is the 5th Manual in our new Scale Modelling series where our aim is to bring a lot of concentrated information about painting and general modelling techniques for all modellers at a competitive retail price.

In this particular issue we have three articles by three different artists. The first article, by Theodosis Giannakidis, is an in-depth description of the detailed construction of a desert diorama featuring a Panzer I tank, two resin figures and a palm tree. The concept behind the diorama with 21 in-progress photos depicts a mechanical problem with the tank where the crew members are trying to fix it, whilst also mindful to the fact that enemy forces are close by. The second article is a short, two-page feature of a DAK AFV Commander by Toshihiro Sano painted with Tamiya Enamels. The artist explains in detail his way of painting and includes all his paint mixes. The third article by Christos Katselos is a detailed step-by-step feature on how to paint a DAK Panzer Crew using various Vallejo Acrylics. There are 43 step-by-step photos that reveal all the necessary information for painting the DAK crew figures.

In total this book has 96 high quality photos, 72 of which are step-by-step or in-progress sequences, with a very detailed text, so the reader can easily follow the whole procedure in detail from start to finish. The authors have included all the sets, accessories, and paint codes they used so the reader can easily identify them.


ISSN: 2732-8856

The first German troops arrived in Tripoli on 14th February 1941, where they were personally inspected by Rommel, who had landed, with various members of his staff, two days previously at Castel Benito airfield, some 15 miles south of Tripoli. After marching past in review, the men of 5 Leichte Division marched out of Tripoli and reached Misurata, farther down the coast of Tripolitania, later the same day. Advanced units of the divisional reconnaissance battalion (AA3) moved on as far as Sirte, where they were ordered to remain in mobile reserve. Rommel was faced with the problem of making the British believe that his forces were too strong for them to attack and he decided to have dummy tanks constructed.
On 19th February Hitler issued a directive announcing that from that date onwards the German forces in Africa under Rommel would be known as the Deutsches Afrika Korps (DAK). In addition, Hitler’s directive went on to say that in order to reinforce 5 Leichte, a full panzer division would be transferred to Tripolitania, which turned out to be the 15 Panzer Division that began landing in late April 1941 and completely up to full strength by mid-June of that year.

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