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Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 17:50 par JeromeP

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» Nouveau avec la peinture à l'huile besoin de conseils
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 16:01 par Duck

» Cuirassier fridericien
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 15:32 par Martin Antonenko

» RP Models
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 14:38 par alain74

» Dolman Miniatures
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 14:31 par alain74

» Mitches Military Models
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeAujourd'hui à 14:17 par alain74

» Vu sur Armorama
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeHier à 23:55 par Papouille

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Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeHier à 20:27 par alain74

» El taller-hobby art
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeHier à 20:22 par alain74

» Reportage Sèvres 2024
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeHier à 17:38 par bono

» Les petites prod' de Mâhar!
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeHier à 11:59 par Mâhar Lankôth

» VID soldiers - Napoleonic British sets
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeMer 11 Déc 2024 - 22:01 par Modelsales

» Blanche Neige et les sept nains
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeMer 11 Déc 2024 - 20:33 par musfig

» Galapagos
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeMer 11 Déc 2024 - 17:17 par Duck

» SEVRES 2024
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeMar 10 Déc 2024 - 13:13 par Papouille

» Dernière Réalisation : Chevalier Templier en Terre Sainte, XIIIe siècle
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeMar 10 Déc 2024 - 12:21 par ms16

» Vitrine de Filgja
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeMar 10 Déc 2024 - 9:59 par Duck

» (IVe) Vitrine de Duck: de chez Alexandros, le général Kléber-1793
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeDim 8 Déc 2024 - 19:49 par Duck

» Atelier Maket
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeMer 4 Déc 2024 - 18:47 par Duck

» Le pont d'Arcole par bono
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeMer 4 Déc 2024 - 17:30 par bono

» Bestsoldiers
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeMer 4 Déc 2024 - 15:17 par alain74

Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeMar 3 Déc 2024 - 15:06 par Franky 2

» #Terminé# -Nouveau projet : Cheers
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeMar 3 Déc 2024 - 12:41 par Franky 2

» Terminé - Officier Grenadier de la Garde Impériale - 1/10
Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeMar 3 Déc 2024 - 12:40 par Franky 2

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MessageSujet: Scale Model Handbook   Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeDim 16 Mar 2014 - 9:03


Welcome to the first book about modelling dioramas in Mr Black Publications’ series of Scale Model Handbooks. We promised in our first issue that our publications would eventually cover a greater variety of military modelling themes and now our first special issue dedicated to various types of dioramas has come to fruition!

While gathering material for such a special book we soon realized that it wouldn’t be possible to cover everything we wanted to in our standard 52-page format, so a 100-page book became inevitable to provide more coverage and satisfy the requirements of our readers. Different approaches, techniques and step-by-step instructions are covered in more than 400 photographs and associated texts to inspire you, the reader, to make your own creations.

It took us about 18 months of intensive work to gather our material, since we wanted to cover many historical periods, such as Napoleonic, 15th century, WWI, WWII and not forgetting civilian based scenes, as well as considering the many different and popular scales of 1/35 (50mm) and 1/32 (54mm) to the larger 1/24 (75mm) and 1/16 (120mm) scale dioramas, to satisfy our readers’ interests. Our aim was to make this book a necessary and useful handbook for modellers everywhere.

We would like to thank those who contributed to this book, as we couldn’t have produced it without them. Antonio Fdez (“Piqui”), Jesus Gamarra, Javier Gonzalez (“Arsies”), Theodoros Kelesidis, Noel Petroni, Sergey Popovichenko, Costas Rodopoulos, Kazufumi Tomori, Alex Varela (“Iguazzu”), and Dave Youngquist… You are all stars!

Special thanks must go to Luca Marchetti and Pietro Balloni from Pegaso Models who have been there for us right from the start; Alex Vallejo (Vallejo Acrylics), Alexey Lucanev (Irbis Miniatures) and John Page (Sphere Products) whose support is highly appreciated. Last, but not least, we would like to thank Ken Jones for his valuable help in editing texts, his advice and lending a unique final touch to all our publications.

It is with much excitement and satisfaction that we present you with this first book in our new “Diorama Modelling Series” - it’s one in which we are placing great hope towards it being a new and successful regular edition to our series of modelling books!


4 Bailén, July 1808 - 54mm (1/32)
20 Back to the Front - 120mm (1/16)
28 US M3 Stuart “Honey” - 50mm (1/35)
40 Die Ostfront 1945 - 120mm (1/16)
60 Conquistadors - 75mm (1/24)
66 “The Cannon” - 50mm (1/35)
72 Kings of the Road - 54mm (1/32)
80 Making Pine Trees - 50mm(1/35) /54mm(1/32)
88 Near Moscow, December 1941 - 50mm(1/35)/ 54mm(1/32)


I hope that you like it!
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Dernière édition par Reptor le Ven 25 Mar 2016 - 6:25, édité 1 fois
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MessageSujet: Re: Scale Model Handbook   Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeDim 16 Mar 2014 - 10:43

Sympa celui-la ! merci
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MessageSujet: Re: Scale Model Handbook   Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeDim 16 Mar 2014 - 12:00

Merci Cyril!
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MessageSujet: Re: Scale Model Handbook   Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeVen 25 Mar 2016 - 6:28

Figure Modelling 16

For more information click the link: Figure Modelling 16
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Welcome to the 19th edition in our series of modelling books now in its sixth year of publication. This is Figure Modelling No.16 in the “Scale Model Handbook” series where we have eight detailed articles from seven well-known artists.

Herein are, tips and techniques plus information about modelling miniature figures from Ancient Times up to the Second World War Period.

Six of the articles are covered in great detail with lots of step-by-step photos helping the reader to follow the different techniques concerning painting, sculpting, converting and making unique scenic bases.

We are pleased to welcome a new contributor to this edition, Jason Zhou from China, who painted the 180mm Hannibal Barca bust from the Nutsplanet range.

So, what’s also inside? Two articles from Ernesto Reyes Stalhuth (a Crusader 90mm from Pegaso Models and the box art for Stormtrooper Miniatures Ensign 28th foot at Waterloo in 200mm) and we’ve a sculpting article for a 75mm Viking by Igor Kordyukov with more than 125 step-by-step photos, which was originally released as commercial piece by Irbis Miniatures. A Second World War subject is a 180mm bust of the German tank commander Otto Carius as painted by Juanma Vergara for 51 Studio’s box art.

Javier Gonzalez (“Arsies”) concludes his “Rhino” fantasy article (part one dealing with its sculpting and converting was published in Figure Modelling 15) by presenting the unique painting technique he used! The second fantasy theme comes from Adrian Hopwood, a familiar name from his previous astonishing work on Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile (published in Figure Modelling 10) and from more than 20 years as a contributor to Britain’s Military Modelling magazine… It’s a unique approach for “Twitchy Mary” an Andrea Miniatures 54mm product illustrated with a lot of step-by-step photos.

Sergey Popovichenko strikes back with an impressive conversion using a well-known Roman figure - a 75mm from Pegaso Models with more than 30 step-by-step photos.

As always those of us at Mr Black would like to thank all of our contributors for their support and sharing their secrets with us. Special thanks must go to Pietro Balloni, Luca Marchetti, Alex Vallejo, Jon Page, Darren Parker-Mead, Stuart Hale, Man-Jin Kim and our tireless English text editor Ken Jones.

We hope you enjoy this latest edition in our “Scale Model Handbook” series!

Stelios Demiras

4 Roman Legionary 1st Century A.D. - 75mm(Pegaso Models, 75-018) - 6 pages
10 Knight Hospitaller, 13th Century - 90mm (Pegaso Models, 90-043) - 6 pages
16 “The Descendant of Odin” - 75mm (Irbis Miniatures, IM75-32) - 8 pages
24 Hannibal Barca - 180mm (Nutsplanet, NP-B018) - 4 pages
28 Otto Carius - 180mm (51 Studio, 10001) - 6 pages
34 Ensign 28th Foot at Waterloo - 200mm (Stormtrooper Miniatures, PPST25) - 8 pages
42 Rhino Painting! - 75mm/100mm (Knight Models, KMV004 & KMV014) - 4 pages
46 Twitchy Mary - 54mm (Andrea Miniatures, DN-04) - 5 pages


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MessageSujet: Re: Scale Model Handbook   Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeDim 22 Mai 2016 - 9:16

News speciale pour nos amis Belges !
The in Belgium! You can find all of our editions and a lot of unique and interesting products to complement our figures, dioramas, vignettes. Here it is the link:
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MessageSujet: Re: Scale Model Handbook   Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeLun 27 Juin 2016 - 6:48

Scale Model Handbook, Figure Modelling 17
Hello everyone,
Scale Model Handbook, Figure Modelling 17 IS OUT! For more information and orders follow the link: FIGURE MODELLING 17. Soon to your favorite dealers and shops!

You are holding the Figure Modelling No.17 in the “Scale Model Handbook” series, which is the 20th edition in Mr Black Publications’ modelling books, 17 of which are about “Figure Modelling”, two on “Diorama Modelling” and one “World War Two Special”.

Herein are nine articles from seven well-known artists with tips and techniques, plus information about modelling miniature figures, vignettes and small dioramas from Ancient Times up to the Second World War Period. Most of the articles are covered in great detail with lots of step-by-step photos and explanatory texts.

We are pleased to welcome a new contributor to this edition, Anson Chen from China, who painted the 180mm Gaius Julius Caesar bust from the Nutsplanet range.

What’s also inside? One very detailed article from Ernesto Reyes Stalhuth - the box art for Stormtrooper’s 90mm “Trooper, 2nd Dragoons, Balaclava, Crimea 1854”, and from Mike “The Kiwi” Butler a Life Miniatures 180mm, New Zealand Battle of Britain Duo.

Jason Zhou comes back with an impressive article from the Young Miniatures’ range – a 180mm “Templar Knight” bust.

Stelios Neofytidis has been very productive presenting three articles this time. Two are WWI themes - The “Periscope Rifle”, a three-figure Gallipoli vignette in 1:35 scale from Firestorm Models and a 54mm Australian Soldier in Gallipoli from the Tommy’s War range. He also produces a WWII two-figure, 1:35 scale vignette based on the Ardennes campaign using Alpine Miniatures with replacement Hornet heads.

Mr Black Studio offers another WWI 54mm action figure from the Tommy’s War range entitled “Mons 1914”.

The final article is a small 1:35 scale diorama of “Joachim Peiper in Kharkov”, a combined work from two well-known Japanese artists, Ryota Sakai made the scenic base with a “wedgie” from a Dragon PzKfw III kit and Toshihiro Sano painted the Alpine Miniatures’ figures to present a unique WWII vignette.

We would like to thank all of our contributors for their support and sharing their secrets with us. Special thanks must go to Pietro Balloni, Luca Marchetti, Alex Vallejo, Jon Page, Darren Parker-Mead, Stuart Hale, Man-Jin Kim, Alexey Lucanev and our tireless English text editor Ken Jones.

We hope you enjoy our latest edition!

Stelios Demiras


4 Trooper, 2nd Dragoons (Royal Scots Greys), Balaclava, Crimea 1854 - 90mm (Stormtrooper Miniatures SDF90-04) – 10 Pages
14 Gaius Julius Caesar - 180mm (Nutsplanet NP-B016) – 4 Pages
18 “Snow” and “Kiwi”, A New Zealand Battle of Britain Duo - 180mm
(Life Miniatures LM-B009) – 6 Pages
24 Templar Knight - 180mm (Young Miniatures YH1837) – 6 Pages
30 The “Periscope Rifle” - 50mm (Firestorm FS35114) – 7 Pages
37 Gallipoli 1915 - 54mm (Tommy’s War Australian TW54015) – 3 Pages
40 The “Battle of the Bulge” - Ardennes 1944-1945 - 50mm (Alpine Miniatures 35076 & 35096 with Hornet Head Sets, Soldiers Wall SDS030) – 4 Pages
44 Private, 1st Battalion Lincolnshire Regiment, Mons 1914 - 54mm (Tommy’s War British TW54002) – 2 Pages
46 Joachim Peiper in Kharkov, 19th February 1943 – 15th March 1943 - 50mm (Dragon 6387 & Alpine Miniatures Set 35201) – 5 Pages


A4 Format
52 Colour Pages

Bonjour à tous,
Modèle du Manuel de l'échelle, Figure 17 Modélisation IS OUT! Pour plus d'informations et de commandes, suivez le lien: FIGURE MODÉLISATION 17. Bientôt à vos revendeurs préférés et boutiques!

Vous tenez la Figure Modélisation No.17 dans la série "Handbook Model Scale", qui est la 20e édition dans les livres de modélisation de Mr Black Publications, dont 17 sont sur le "Figure Modelling", deux sur "Diorama Modélisation" et un " Seconde guerre mondiale spéciale ".

Ici sont neuf articles de sept artistes bien connus avec des conseils et des techniques, ainsi que des informations sur la modélisation de personnages miniatures, des vignettes et des petits dioramas depuis les temps anciens jusqu'à la période Seconde Guerre mondiale. La plupart des articles sont couverts en détail avec beaucoup de photos étape par étape et des textes explicatifs.

Nous sommes heureux d'accueillir un nouveau contributeur à cette édition, Anson Chen de la Chine, qui a peint le 180mm Gaius Julius Caesar buste de la gamme Nutsplanet.

Ce qui est aussi à l'intérieur? Un article très détaillé de Ernesto Reyes Stalhuth - l'art de la boîte pour le 90mm de Stormtrooper "Trooper, 2e Dragoons, Balaclava, Crimée 1854", et de Mike "The Kiwi" Butler a Life Miniatures 180mm, Nouvelle-Zélande Bataille d'Angleterre Duo.

Jason Zhou revient avec un article impressionnant de la gamme des jeunes Miniatures - un buste 180mm "Templier".

Stelios Neofytidis a été très productive présentant trois articles cette fois. Deux sont des thèmes WWI - Le "Rifle Periscope", trois chiffres Gallipoli vignette à 01h35 échelle de modèles Firestorm et un soldat australien 54mm à Gallipoli de la gamme la guerre de Tommy. Il produit également une Seconde Guerre mondiale à deux chiffres, vignette 1:35 échelle basée sur la campagne des Ardennes en utilisant Miniatures alpines avec des têtes de remplacement Hornet.

Mr Black Studio propose une autre WWI 54mm chiffre d'action de la gamme la guerre de Tommy intitulée «Mons 1914».

Le dernier article est un petit diorama 1:35 échelle de "Joachim Peiper à Kharkov", un travail combiné de deux artistes japonais bien connus, Ryota Sakai fait la base scénique avec un "wedgie" à partir d'un kit dragon PzKfw III et Toshihiro Sano peint les chiffres de l'Miniatures alpin à présenter une vignette unique de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

Nous tenons à remercier tous nos collaborateurs pour leur soutien et de partager leurs secrets avec nous. Des remerciements spéciaux doivent aller à Pietro Balloni, Luca Marchetti, Alex Vallejo, Jon page, Darren Parker-Mead, Stuart Hale, Man-Jin Kim, Alexey Lucanev et notre infatigable anglais éditeur de texte Ken Jones.

Matt Laminated Cover
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MessageSujet: Re: Scale Model Handbook   Scale Model Handbook Icon_minitimeMar 17 Déc 2019 - 11:58

WWII Special Vol.4

This volume is the 35th edition in Mr Black Publications’ “Scale Model Handbook” series, and the fourth in that series entirely dedicated to what took place between 1939-1945, which has since been described in Western histories as “The Second World War”.

The wartime themes herein are numerous and feature extended articles about models, dioramas, vignettes and figures, especially in 1/35 scale, where we’ve managed to assemble many representative examples from our well-known regular contributors, who’ve been with us from the beginning. We’ve added some articles from newer and very talented modellers that we feel will interest our readers. Our thanks go to everyone for their excellent work and dedication, which helped achieve this project… Our new contributors are Lieven Terryn, Eduardo Fernandez Rodriguez, Fabrizio Marini and Carlos Muñoz de Bustillo. As always, thanks are due to our regular and well-known stalwarts, Selu Casanova, Ernesto Reyes Stalhuth and Toshihiro Sano.

We must also thank our friends, partners and supporters from the manufacturing fraternity… Pietro Balloni and Luca Marchetti (Pegaso Models), Darren Parker-Mead (Tommy’s War), Stuart Hale (Stormtrooper Miniatures), Alexander Surzhenko (Masterbox Ltd), Alexey Lukanev (Irbis Miniatures), Man Jin Kim (MJ Miniatures), Young B. Song (Young Miniatures), Taesung Harmms (Alpine Miniatures), Daniel Buchtela (Model Scene), DG Artwork (Dae Hyoung Kim), Alex Vallejo (Vallejo Acrylics), Fernando Vallejo (AK-Interactive), Ben Mirson and Alina Rizhko (both from Miniart Models).

Finally, we extend our thanks to Ken Jones for his valuable help in editing our contributors’ texts, which have to be translated into English from the many different languages within our worldwide contributor base. His knowledge and advice help us lend a unique final touch to all our publications.

Hopefully you’ll enjoy our new book, but above all, keep modelling!

Stelios Demiras
Editor and Publisher
Mr Black Publications


4 Ramcke Brigade, Libya 1942 - Building a Diorama Featuring an Abandoned Kettenkrad and Detailed Commercial Plastic Figures in a Desert Setting - 50mm (1/35)

18 Waffen SS Machine Gunner 1944 - Painting The Skin Tones, a Late Pattern SS Camouflage Smock And Equipment of a Young Soldier - 180mm (1/10)

26 “Dansei No Meiyo” - Japanese Officer, Pacific Offensive - How to Build and Paint a Resin Figure Step-By-Step… A Complete Painting Guide Using Acrylic Paints Applied with an Airbrush and A Paintbrush - 75mm (1/25)

36 Brothers in Arms in Northern Italy 1944 - Creating a Unique World War Two Vignette Comprising Commercially Available Figures and Accessories Using Simple Conversions and Scratch Building Techniques - 50mm (1/35)

44 British Paratrooper, Operation Market Garden 1944 - Painting a British Denison Camouflage Smock and Equipment with Tamiya Enamels - 180mm (1/10)

52 The Last Bullet - How to Build a Realistic WWII Scene Using Commercial Products - 50mm (1/35)

62 American Paratrooper - 101st Airborne Division WWII “Currahee” - Painting a Large Scale Bust of a WWII American Paratrooper with Acrylic Paints - 180mm (1/10)

74 “Battaglione Barbarigo” in Northern Italy Late 1944 - Creating a Unique WWII Figure in a Scenic Setting Using Converted Commercial Figure Parts - 50mm (1/35)

78 After the Battle 1944-1945 - Painting Waffen SS Grenadiers in Winter Uniforms for the Manufacturer’s Box Art Using Tamiya Enamels - 50mm (1/35)

Carlos Muñoz de Bustillo - Selu Casanova - Fabrizio Marini - Eduardo Fernandez Rodriguez - Toshihiro Sano - Ernesto Reyes Stalhuth - Lieven Terryn

ISSN 2459-3311
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