Forum: La Figurine Historique et Fantastique

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Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeHier à 17:50 par JeromeP

» dernières réalisations
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeHier à 17:24 par sebastien

» Nouveau avec la peinture à l'huile besoin de conseils
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeHier à 16:01 par Duck

» Cuirassier fridericien
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeHier à 15:32 par Martin Antonenko

» RP Models
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeHier à 14:38 par alain74

» Dolman Miniatures
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeHier à 14:31 par alain74

» Mitches Military Models
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeHier à 14:17 par alain74

» Vu sur Armorama
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Déc 2024 - 23:55 par Papouille

» News ponctuelle
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Déc 2024 - 20:27 par alain74

» El taller-hobby art
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Déc 2024 - 20:22 par alain74

» Reportage Sèvres 2024
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Déc 2024 - 17:38 par bono

» Les petites prod' de Mâhar!
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 12 Déc 2024 - 11:59 par Mâhar Lankôth

» VID soldiers - Napoleonic British sets
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMer 11 Déc 2024 - 22:01 par Modelsales

» Blanche Neige et les sept nains
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMer 11 Déc 2024 - 20:33 par musfig

» Galapagos
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMer 11 Déc 2024 - 17:17 par Duck

» SEVRES 2024
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 10 Déc 2024 - 13:13 par Papouille

» Dernière Réalisation : Chevalier Templier en Terre Sainte, XIIIe siècle
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 10 Déc 2024 - 12:21 par ms16

» Vitrine de Filgja
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 10 Déc 2024 - 9:59 par Duck

» (IVe) Vitrine de Duck: de chez Alexandros, le général Kléber-1793
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeDim 8 Déc 2024 - 19:49 par Duck

» Atelier Maket
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMer 4 Déc 2024 - 18:47 par Duck

» Le pont d'Arcole par bono
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMer 4 Déc 2024 - 17:30 par bono

» Bestsoldiers
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMer 4 Déc 2024 - 15:17 par alain74

Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 3 Déc 2024 - 15:06 par Franky 2

» #Terminé# -Nouveau projet : Cheers
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 3 Déc 2024 - 12:41 par Franky 2

» Terminé - Officier Grenadier de la Garde Impériale - 1/10
Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 3 Déc 2024 - 12:40 par Franky 2

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 Figure Painter Magazine

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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeDim 19 Mai 2013 - 8:55

Voici un nouveau mag sur la peinture

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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeDim 19 Mai 2013 - 9:25

merci Cyril ! Laughing
commande effectué Wink
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeDim 19 Mai 2013 - 9:51

A voir :) tu me donneras ton avis :) je suis tenté aussi lol
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 23 Mai 2013 - 6:49

Alors Laurent? tu en penses quoi de ce mag ? Rolling Eyes
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 18 Juin 2013 - 6:45

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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 18 Juin 2013 - 18:46

Merci Cyril Wink

Ton avis m'intéresse aussi Laurent bounce
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMer 19 Juin 2013 - 8:10

Review du magazine en approche, des qu'elle est dispo, je la pose dans la zone dediée ;)
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMer 19 Juin 2013 - 14:36

bonjour !

dabord un soucis pour les ouvrir , il faut les renommer en rajoutant l extension :  .pdf  
le 1er n° ma assé plus , juste un peut léger sur les tutoriaux ! mais bon attendais les prochains pour me faire une idée plus globale;)
donc pour le deuxième :
j ais des difficulté pour télécharger le  Rolling Eyes

voila pour l instant a+
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMer 19 Juin 2013 - 18:58

Mince, ce n'est pas très positif tout ça :silent:
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Juin 2013 - 6:53

Laurent regarde dans ta boite email Wink éventuellement dans tes spams Wink
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Juin 2013 - 7:25

le téléchargement se termine au 3/4 Rolling Eyes
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 20 Juin 2013 - 21:15

Voici une petite review du magazine Wink
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin 2013 - 6:42

Merci pour la review.
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin 2013 - 7:07

Pas de quoi Wink Figure Painter Magazine 412492 Brad
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin 2013 - 8:23

Merci Cyril Figure Painter Magazine 412492
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 21 Juin 2013 - 13:05

Pas de quoi Charles Wink
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMer 17 Juil 2013 - 18:41

Le N°3 est disponible:

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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 18 Juil 2013 - 7:08

Merci Samy Wink, de plus en plus intéressant ce mag Wink Figure Painter Magazine 412492
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 23 Aoû 2013 - 8:13

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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Sep 2013 - 6:53

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Figure Painter Magazine issue 5; our first 100 page issue. In issue 5 you'll find an insight interview with sculptor and painter Sang-Eon Lee of Life Miniatures, four great tutorials and product reviews including one about the new Scalecolor Paint Sets. Also in this issue is the latest hobby news, new releases and all of our usual regular features.

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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 26 Sep 2013 - 12:30

Merci Cyril.
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 15 Nov 2013 - 18:26

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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 3 Déc 2013 - 13:59

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Figure Painter Magazine issue 7. In this issue we have a brilliant insight interview with Spanish painter Pepa Saavedra. We also have tutorials from Sergey "We7" Chasnyk and Alex "Warploque" Huntley as well as chapter 7 of our regular gaming table build. We have lots of reviews plus all of our usual features that keep you in touch with all the latest products, news and new releases the hobby has to offer.

Don't forget to post pictures of your painted miniatures on our facebook wall and be in with a chance to win a free display plinth courtesy of Model Display Products. Even if you haven't got a picture to post you can go online and vote for the miniatures you like best. The miniature that receives the most likes each month will win the prize display plinth.

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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeDim 26 Jan 2014 - 9:35

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Figure Painter Magazine Issue 9 out now!

Figure painter Magazine issue 9. In this issue we have two brilliant interviews; Aaron Lovejoy is the subject of our Insight Interview and Sandra Garrity, queen of the sculpting tool, spills all. We also have reviews of LeBeN Studio's Gurka Le Rouge and Morko as well as a couple from Model Design Construction (MDC). We also bring you our gamespace review of "The Walking Dead: Best Defense" board game and as well as all of our regular articles, a fantastic Mech painting tutorial from Charlie Kirkpatrick.
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeDim 26 Jan 2014 - 18:56

Merci Cyril.
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeDim 26 Jan 2014 - 23:33

merci pour l'info
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Fév 2014 - 17:15

Figure Painter Magazine Issue 10
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Figure Painter Magazine Issue 10 out now!

In this issue we have lots of great articles that are here to help your painting improve. We have two specifically dedicated to airbrushing and a fantastic tutorial from Barry Ford who tackles the monster from the 1951 sci-fi classic “The Thing from another world”. We also have the welcome return of “What’s on the Market” and our usual goodies. Also, this issue we have a brilliant insight interview with Jessica “Brushmistress” Rich and none other than Rick Priestley who tells us of his days at GW and how he felt when he left and also gets us back up to speed with his latest game system.
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 27 Fév 2014 - 18:55

Ils sont a l'heure !!!

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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 28 Oct 2014 - 7:05

Figure Painter Magazine issue 18 !!!
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This month we have a huge issue for you. We have tutorials from Sergey Chasnyk, Nicolas Rouanet and we are beginning to draw to an end the epic Malifaux gaming table build. We also have product reports from Tim Fitch, Davide Rainone as well as reviews at Nuts Planet's Aqulia, Tabletop Worlds Merchant Shop and Jason Martin brings you a great two part look at Aradia Miniatures.
This months cover article is the Insight interview with Ben Komets and we also have a show report from Euro Militaire We also have a look at Raging Heroes and bring you an interview with Giorgos Tsougkouzidis, plus all the latest news and new releases.

FPM Facebook Page
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 28 Oct 2014 - 12:10

ce sont de vrais magazines qu 'on commande ou c'est seulement en numerique?
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 28 Oct 2014 - 12:46

Non que du numérique, mais les articles n'ont rien à envier au mag pros
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 28 Oct 2014 - 17:02

ok merci reptor
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 8 Mar 2016 - 7:46

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ON SALE NOW: £1.30

We have a pretty cool issue for you this month, kicking off with an Insight interview with one of my favourite painters, Diego Esteban, who not only tells us about his painting, but also about his latest venture, HeraModels. We also have interviews with Dave Heathfield of ‘Eavy Metal fame, as well as with Sebastian Archer and Peter Overton, the guys behind the Twisted game and miniature range who have taken the time to chat with FPM during their very successful crowdfunding campaign.

We also have a packed issue for you with our reviews. We unbox miniatures from Armoured Syndicate, Figone, Nutsplanet, Beyond Miniatures, RP Models, Young Miniatures and take a close look at the latest Adoba Diorama book.

Tutorials this month are from Sergey Popovichenko, Sergey Chasnyk and from Juan Ignacio Corujo, plus…drumroll please…the Malifaux Gaming Table is finally finished. Make sure you tune in next issue, because we have some really special news about that!

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Those of you that use your finely painted miniatures for gaming might also like to know about a new publication that we’re starting called Initiative Magazine. The focus of Initiative Magazine will be on all types of gaming that uses miniatures so board games, RPG's, skirmish and war games. If you have anything you'd like to see in our magazine, please feel free to drop us a line by visiting our Facebook page; the guys would love to hear your thoughts.

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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMar 8 Mar 2016 - 10:22

Ce qui donne approximativement:

"Nous avons un problème assez cool pour vous ce mois-ci, le coup d'envoi avec une interview Insight un de mes peintres préférés, Diego Esteban, qui non seulement nous parle de sa peinture, mais aussi au sujet de sa dernière entreprise, modèles de héros. Nous avons également des entrevues avec Dave Heathfield de «renommée Eavy Metal, ainsi qu'avec Sebastian Archer et Peter Overton, les gars derrière le jeu Twisted et la gamme miniature qui ont pris le temps de discuter avec FPM au cours de leur campagne de crowdfunding très réussie.
Nous avons aussi un problème emballé pour vous avec nos commentaires. Nous Unbox miniatures de blindés Syndicate, Figone, Nutsplanet, Au-delà de Miniatures, Modèles RP, Jeunes Miniatures et regardons de près le dernier livre Adoba Diorama.
Tutoriaux ce mois-ci sont de Sergey Popovichenko, Sergey Chasnyk et de Juan Ignacio Corujo, plus ... drumroll s'il vous plaît ... la table de jeu Malifaux est enfin terminé. Assurez-vous que vous accordez dans le prochain numéro, parce que nous avons des nouvelles vraiment spécial à ce sujet
Google Traduction pour les entreprises...."
...."Ceux d'entre vous qui utilisent vos figurines finement peintes pour le jeu pourrait aussi savoir sur une nouvelle publication que nous commençons appelée Initiative Magazine. L'objectif de l'initiative Magazine sera sur tous les types de jeux qui utilise des miniatures afin jeux bored, RPG, escarmouche et les jeux de guerre. Si vous avez quelque chose que vous aimeriez voir dans notre magazine, ne s'il vous plaît à nous laisser tomber une ligne en visitant notre page Facebook; les gars aimeraient entendre vos pensées...."

Dommage que cela soit en anglais.....
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 13 Mai 2016 - 5:57

Figure Painter Magazine issue 36, Out Now!
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In issue 36, we have some great stuff for you this issue, including unboxing reviews of miniatures from Aradia, H&V, Nutsplanet, Parallax and Pedro Fernández Works. We also talk to Matt DiPietro and Renata Jansen, whose work many I’m sure will be blown away by.

The focus of this issue’s Insight is none other than Andrea Iula from Pegaso Models. As well as our usual articles, we also have tutorials from David Powell, Mark Maxey and a rather splendid build of some scenery from Tabletop World by our very own Marko Paunovic.

Finally, there are just three places left for our first SeminART brought to you in collaboration with FeR Miniatures. For more information, or to book your place for SeminART, click here, SeminART
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 13 Mai 2016 - 8:03

Merci pour l'info Cyril Wink
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 13 Mai 2016 - 8:20

Pas de quoi vieille branche Wink Figure Painter Magazine 412492
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 13 Mai 2016 - 10:20

Intéressant semble t' il à lire, mais pourquoi ne pas le traduire directement avant de le poster..... Laughing
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 13 Mai 2016 - 14:06

Les traductions sous Google traduction sont pas terribles et j'ai pas le temps de traduire Wink
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 13 Mai 2016 - 15:11

Reptor a écrit:
Les traductions sous Google traduction sont pas terribles et j'ai pas le temps de traduire Wink
C'est vrai ce n'est pas cela donne ce qui suit:

"Dans le numéro 36, nous avons quelques trucs formidables pour vous cette question, y compris les examens unboxing de miniatures de Aradia, H & V, Nutsplanet, Parallax et Pedro Fernández Works. On parle aussi de Matt DiPietro et Renata Jansen, dont le travail beaucoup je suis sûr, sera emporté par.

L'objectif de l'Insight cette question est nul autre que Andrea Iula de modèles Pegaso. En plus de nos articles habituels, nous avons aussi des tutoriels de David Powell, Mark Maxey est splendide construction d'un paysage de Tabletop mondiale par notre propre Marko Paunovic.

Enfin, il y a seulement trois places pour notre première SeminART présentée en collaboration avec FeR Miniatures. Pour plus d'informations, ou pour réserver votre place pour SeminART, cliquez ici, SeminART"
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 13 Mai 2016 - 15:31

Merci le canard, de cette translation
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 13 Mai 2016 - 16:07

pisco a écrit:
Merci le canard, de cette translation
De rien, cela m'a pris 1/2 service de la communauté qui ne comprend pas ou peu l' anglais....comme moi.
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 9 Juin 2016 - 3:45

Figure Painter Magazine issue 37, Out Now!
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ON SALE NOW: £1.30

Things move quickly and we’ve got a lot happening in the coming few weeks. SeminART is all sold out and we’re really looking forward to heading down to Cardiff with Fernando Ruiz for the first of many painting seminars with the top artists from all over Europe.
Initiative Magazine issue 1 will be released soon after. The guys over at IM are all busily crossing the I’s and dotting the T’s, so the proofing team will have their work cut out. The FPM web page will be undergoing a major overhaul to make room for Initiative Magazine. We have also introduced the new prize for the best painted miniature posted on the FPM facebook page. From now on, winners will receive an exclusive FPM paint palette, something I’m really pleased with. FPM Bundle number 3 is now available so catching up with those missed issues is now a lot easier.
Then, of course, there is this issue of FPM. It’s packed with tutorials that will suit everyone’s taste. We also have a load of reviews as well as all the usual articles and a pretty special insight interview with a comic and miniature concept artist who paints for the likes of DC, Marvel and LucasFilm…none other than Gabriele Dell’Otto!

FPM Facebook Page
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Merci d'avance au Canard pour la translation google Figure Painter Magazine 412492

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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeJeu 9 Juin 2016 - 7:15


Les choses évoluent rapidement et nous avons passe beaucoup de choses dans les quelques semaines à venir. SeminART est tout vendu et nous sommes vraiment impatients de descendre vers Cardiff avec Fernando Ruiz pour le premier de nombreux séminaires de peinture avec les meilleurs artistes de toute l'Europe.
question Initiative Magazine 1 sera publié peu après. Les gars à plus de IM sont tous occupés à traverser la Moi et parsemant le T de, de sorte que l'équipe d'épreuves auront leur travail découpé. La page Web FPM fera l'objet d'une refonte majeure pour faire place à l'initiative Magazine. Nous avons également introduit le nouveau prix de la miniature mieux peint posté sur la page facebook FPM. A partir de maintenant, les gagnants recevront une exclusive palette de peinture de FPM, quelque chose que je suis vraiment satisfait. FPM Bundle numéro 3 est maintenant disponible afin de rattraper ces questions manquées est maintenant beaucoup plus facile.
Ensuite, bien sûr, il y a cette question de FPM. Il est emballé avec des tutoriels qui conviendront à tous les goûts. Nous avons également une charge de commentaires, ainsi que tous les articles habituels et un entretien d'aperçu assez spécial avec un artiste concept comique et miniature qui peint pour les goûts de DC, Marvel et LucasFilm ... nul autre que Gabriele Dell'Otto!
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 15 Juil 2016 - 6:16

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ON SALE NOW: £1.30

This issue is packed with articles and again, we have tutorials that will suit everyone and be helpful to all levels of painters. Marta Slusarska has written a really useful tutorial about the many ways to mount our miniatures and busts. French sculptor Greg Girault explains how he sculpted his recently released Saxon bust. Marko Paunovic continues his post-apocalyptic diorama, where, this month, he lays down the electronics for the LEDs and finally, we have the second part of Fernando Ruiz’s Norman Warrior and Saxon Housecarl, the miniatures he painted during our first SeminART.

Speaking of SeminART, Luke Wilson brings us his in-depth report on the weekend and for those who are thinking of attending one in the future, it’s well worth a read. Also in this issue we have loads of reviews from companies like Nuts Planet, FeR Miniatures, Filbot and many more. We also point the company spotlight on Ares Warforge, a new miniature producer in Poland. Starting all this off is a fantastic Insight interview with one of my favorite painters of all time, the immensely talented Fabrizio ‘Rusto’ Russo.

FPM Facebook Page

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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeVen 15 Juil 2016 - 18:59

impec!!! merci  Figure Painter Magazine 412492
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeSam 16 Juil 2016 - 5:20

Pas de quoi mon pote Wink Figure Painter Magazine 412492
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMer 12 Oct 2016 - 6:52

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Out Now, issue 3 of Initiative and issue 40 of Figure Painter Magazine: £1.30

Initiative issue 3 brings you lots of great tutorials, including how to paint black, from Andy Wardle. Tech bases from Sean Fulton and a freehand tutorial from Davide Rainone. Michael Klieman shows how to quickly and easily paint faces on your gaming miniatures and Marko Paunovic explains how to make wooded areas for your gaming table.
We also take a look at some Eastern MDF scenery from TTCombat, Fantasy Flights 'Mansions of Madness Edition 2' and Atlantis Miniatures' orcs. Bob Nolan checks out GCT's Bushido and he speaks to Sen-Foong Lim about dexterity and physical games. Kicking this issue off though, we chat to Arcworlde creator, 'Alex Huntly', about Warploque Miniatures' new expansion 'Troubles in the North’.

With issue 40 of FPM, we decided to renamed it the ‘Green Skin Edition’. Sean Fulton brings us the second part of his amazing conversation that was part of the very successful NOVA charity raffle. We also have a first for FPM; non-other than Roman ‘Jarhead’ Lappet who starts his two-part tutorial on how he painted his recent Games Workshop Warboss.
In issue 40, we also bring you 10—yes 10—unboxing reviews from the likes of FeR, Nuts Planet, BrokenToad, Black Sun and many more. We even have a close look at a new compressor from Sparmax and put an Iwata Airbrush through its paces. We also take a close look at Tommy’s War, a brilliant small producer that specialises in First World War miniatures. We chat to Kaha Miniatures’ owner and sculptor Fancagne Didier. Getting us out of the starting blocks, though, is a really cool Insight interview with one the most world renowned painters of our time, Julio Cabos.

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google traduction :

Out Now, numéro 3 de l' Initiative et le numéro 40 de la figure Painter Magazine: £ 1.30

question Initiative 3 vous apporte beaucoup de grands tutoriels, y compris la façon de peindre en noir, de Andy Wardle. bases de Tech de Sean Fulton et un tutoriel freehand de Davide Rainone. Michael Klieman montre comment peindre rapidement et facilement des visages sur vos figurines de jeu et Marko Paunovic explique comment faire des zones boisées pour votre table de jeu.
Nous prenons également un regard sur certains paysages MDF Est de TTCombat, de Mansions of Madness Édition 2 'et les orcs de Atlantis Miniatures fantaisie Vols. Bob Nolan vérifie Bushido de GCT et il parle à Sen-Foong Lim à propos de la dextérité et les jeux physiques. Kicking cette question hors cependant, nous bavardons à Arcworlde créateur, Alex Huntly ', à propos de Troubles Warploque Miniatures de nouvelle extension' dans le Nord ».

Avec le numéro 40 du FPM, nous avons décidé de rebaptisé la «édition de la peau verte». Sean Fulton nous amène la deuxième partie de sa conversation étonnante qui faisait partie de la très réussie NOVA bienfaisance tombola. Nous avons aussi une première pour FPM; non-autre que Lappet Roman 'Jarhead' qui commence ses deux parties tutoriel sur la façon dont il a peint sa récente Games Workshop Warboss.
Dans le numéro 40, nous vous apportons également des avis 10 oui 10-unboxing de l'aime de FeR, Nuts Planète, BrokenToad, Black Sun et beaucoup plus. Nous avons même un coup d'oeil étroit à un nouveau compresseur de Sparmax et mettre un Airbrush Iwata à l'épreuve. Nous prenons également d'examiner de près la guerre de Tommy, un petit producteur brillant qui se spécialise dans les miniatures de la Première Guerre mondiale. Nous discutons avec le propriétaire et le sculpteur Kaha Miniatures Fancagne Didier. nous sortir des starting-blocks, cependant, est un entretien vraiment cool Insight un des la plupart des peintres de renommée mondiale de notre époque, Julio Cabos.
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Figure Painter Magazine Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMer 12 Oct 2016 - 8:09

Merci Cyril Wink
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MessageSujet: Re: Figure Painter Magazine   Figure Painter Magazine Icon_minitimeMer 12 Oct 2016 - 10:35

Je pense que ce périodique doit être très intéressant et apprécié pour ceux qui peuvent le lire......
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